The #WedFit Series

5 Jan

So, here we are January 2016 and I am less than 7 months away from my wedding.

Everything has stalled over the past couple of months, I couldn’t get lower than 15st2lbs before December and I still haven’t hit my 40lb off goal.

It doesn’t matter at all. I would say I plateaued but the reality is I wasn’t eating as well in November or being consistent. I became heavily re-addicted to sugar. And then along came December… Oh boy! It started well actually, I tried my hand at #AdventRunning and ran every day for the first half of the month until I got a virus or chest infection or something. I had an awful cough, lost my voice and spent a lot of time in bed.

As soon as I was better, the Christmas parties started, I drank every day, ate my favourite sugary foods, drank some more, ate oil and salt and fat. I ate so much over Christmas that it got to the point where I actually felt sick for about 3 days in a row, I still didn’t stop eating though.

I binge ate so hard that one day I ate profiteroles for breakfast (and lunch). I had fun.

I weighed on and off during Christmas and just before NYE I was up 5lbs. Could have been worse.

My only regret is that I was quite bloated by the time NYE rolled around and you could see my little tummy through my dress. I always use NYE as my comparisons for my weight loss as it was in January 2012 that my journey started.

Here is how it’s gone over the past 6 New Year’s Eve events (including the year before I started actively trying to lose weight).


I’m not back at year 3 yet but getting there. But I have clearly been up and down.

I can’t currently tell you what I weigh because when I stepped on the scales on the 4th January… This is the message I got:



The batteries are dead, I’ve got some more now so in my next post you can have a weight update.

So, what now! Well I want to look my very best for my wedding in July 2016. With just under 7 months to go I have so much to do when it comes to planning and so much to do when it comes to being the best version of me I can be.

Welcome to the #Wedfit Series.

For the next few months the blog will be focusing on how I go about getting fit for the wedding, ups and downs, lefts and rights.

I know what you’re all going to say, because everyone has said it already. Yes I will look beautiful on the wedding day regardless of my size but I don’t want to look back at my photos and feel like I didn’t look my best. It is as simple as that.

And as for after… Well, what comes after weddings? I want to be in my best shape for the rest of my life. The wedding is an interim landmark.

Scales are not the only measure of getting in shape as we all know. I have also taken my measurements which currently stand at this:


And my schedule for January is hectic with an eating and exercise programme that will kick start me back on the road.

I’ve gone back to minimal sugar… not zero sugar, but minimal. That means no processed foods, no alcohol, no sweets or sweet treats and fizzy drinks. I do have an exception to this though. It is my birthday in about 5 days and on my birthday I will have a slice of cake.

I’m not planning on beating myself up if I go to dinner and don’t check if they add sugar, but I will be making a conscious decision to pick the healthier options on the menu.

Home-made lunches (saves the pennies too).

Avoiding the dodgy takeaways.

It’s no use me working out hard if I plan on eating soft. The sugar free WhatsApp group is back up and running, my support system is epic!

As for the working out, I have signed up for a month of unltd classes at BoomCycle. A spin studio near my work. I love the sessions there, they work every fibre of your body and I feel cleansed at the end. My aim is to go three times a week.

I’m also still running with Run Dem Crew. They are family to me and I won’t be able to do this journey without them and their spectacular encouragement.

I’ve also purchased the new Davina McCall DVD for those times when I am at home and haven’t exercised. It is a series of 15 minute work outs and I’ve heard nothing but great things. Watch out for some videos J

My ultimate goal for January is to reach my 40lb weight loss. It’s been a long time coming and I need a new charm for my bracelet.

I’m going to be instagramming and giving weekly blog updates, so follow me on @specialee85 to see regular pics. I’m also going to be using the hashtags #WedFit, #FromFatToPhat, ~ItWasntFastButItWasDone and #TheAdus2016

Join me, let’s have some fun with it. Send me work outs to try, challenges to get involved with, invite me to train with you! Help me get #WedFit!

3 Responses to “The #WedFit Series”

  1. gojenbefit January 11, 2016 at 4:18 pm #

    Happy Monday! I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out my recent blog post to learn more about it and participate if you’re interested!

    • specialee85 January 11, 2016 at 4:30 pm #

      That’s so kind. Thank you. Will get on participating. 🙂


  1. Little Ole me Nominated for LIBESTER AWARD twice | gojenbefit - January 11, 2016

    […] fromfattophat she has been on a weight loss journey since 2012 but in 2016 she wants to get even more fit for her wedding that is a few months a way […]

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